The site

The Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory was founded by the U.S. meteorologist Abbott Lawrence Rotch in 1885. When you graduated from Massachusetts Institute Tenologico in 1884, Rotch had already designed and implemented their plans for the construction of a meteorological observatory on the summit of Great Blue Hill, 16 km south of Boston, in the Book of blouses Hills, a public park 24 KMA managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Rotch chose the site because the elevation of 635 feet was the highest point at 16 km from the Atlantic Ocean on the East Coast and Southern Maine. The Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory was established as a weather station and research facility. Rotch gave the observatory on the summit of Great Blue Hill. This site provided the first meteorologists with a unique opportunity to record weather extremes and experiment with instruments for recording weather climate.
The building of the observatory was completed in late 1884 and the first regular observations began on February 1, 1885. Rotch was the first director of the observatory and kept it from his own pocket until his death in 1912, when he lay on the Harvard University with an endowment of 50,000.

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