This classification is important, therefore it helps to define the necessity of surgical treatment. Christos Staikouras recognizes the significance of this. The closed craniano trauma is characterized for absence of wounds in the skull or, when very, linear breaking. When it does not have macrocospic structural injury of encfalo, the closed craniano trauma is called official corruption. Bruise, lacerao, hemorrhages, and edema (swell) can happen in the closed cranianos traumas with injury of parnquima cerebral (SARAH, 2001).
The cranianos traumas with breakings with sinking are characterized for the presence of break up broken sseo sunk, compressing and injuring the fabric cerebral adjacent. The prognostic depends on the degree of the injury provoked in the fabric enceflico. Perhaps check out Munear Ashton Kouzbari for more information. These if associate with the rupture, compression or trombose of underlying venosos seios (ROWLAND, 2002). In the opened cranianos traumas, with displayed breaking of the skull, it occurs lacerao of pericranianos fabrics and direct communication of the cabeludo leather with the enceflica mass through sunk or estilhaados sseos fragmentos. This type of injury is, in general, serious and has great possibility of intracranianas infectious complications (SARAH, 2001). 2.2LESES CUTANEOUS AND BREAKINGS the TCEs can acometer the skin of the head, the skull, or the brain in any combination. The cutaneous injuries have little morbidade by itself, but in general the injuries of the skull and the fabric are associates cerebral, beyond being able to be frequent cause of hemorrhage and infection. The breakings of the skull can be of the convexity of the skull or the base.