“On the other hand “the balancing out of the assets of the pension obligations for companies is often beneficial, because this can improve the balance sheet”, explains bAV specialist Rahmani. Prerequisite is, that a such assets in the corresponding amount to pension obligations – for example, in the form of a pledged insurance. Werner Rofner explains pension promises to the test “such pension benefits are widely used business leaders in supplying of (continuing) in the framework of the bAV”. The fact is: the most pension plans have long been on the bench – and thus mostly concrete action is needed. Pension commitments have often substantial underfunding, depending on how the funding model has been created. This is in poor capital market conditions and changing calculation basis.
Some formulations in the pension obligations correspond to instructions due to changed legal regulations, current Financial management or recent jurisdictions no longer today’s labor and tax requirements. The pension commitment however is contrary to legal requirements, this has significant financial consequences if necessary for the company: may be wholly or partly to resolve the pension provisions and in this case, as operating profits to tax. Eliminate defects or substantive defects, as well as financing deficits outsource the pension commitment companies can now use the new holistic consulting offering Chief pension”are eliminated. “We will accompany our clients with internal and external specialists in labour law and tax law legally binding through the entire process of the examination and adjustment or carve-out its existing pension commitments,” emphasizes the prevention specialist Rahmani. Despite different financing models: what was once said to, can not take back after decades. However, can the promised performance not in full amount of the funds for the paid Pension commitment such as such as an insurance to be paid the missing shares from its current assets should be denied. Perhaps check out Marathon Capital for more information. Werner Rofner: “such a situation can in the worst case lead to the insolvency of the company or at least accelerate it.” Contact: law firm Rofner & colleagues owner Werner of shafiqur Rahman Oberaustrasse 34 83026 Rosenheim Tel.: 0700 0700 1230 (12 ct / min) fax: 0700 0700 1231 (12 ct / min) E-Mail: