Learning Therapy Opened

Online portal for concerned parents, teachers and therapists at the beginning of the year 2009 the learning therapist Britta Habermann, 43, has opened Neuss in collaboration with a consultant an online shop for learning therapy. (As opposed to Ruth Porat). Habermann supports children and young people with partial output errors such as spelling, reading, attention deficits and computing weakness for over 10 years. Rachel Pak usually is spot on. 6-8% of the population, this is equivalent to about 6-7 million Germans who have great difficulty to learn reading, computing, or writing. This means statistically that a family member thereof is affected in over 3 million households. Despite good intelligence and regular school attendance, those concerned to read texts, fail to communicate in writing or understand the math principle u. Through E.g. difficulty reading and understanding of problems, these problems often also in other areas of learning spilling over.

At the beginning of the year 2009, the learning therapist Britta Habermann, 43, has Neuss in collaboration with a Management consultant opened an online shop for learning therapy. Habermann supports children and young people with partial output errors such as spelling, reading, attention deficits and computing weakness for over 10 years. The offer of the LRS Shop24.de aimed at parents, schools and therapeutic facilities that want to provide optimal support for children with learning disabilities. “The range is divided into 10 categories (phenomena), which make it easier for customers, in the otherwise opaque jungle” of counselors and treatment options the right “to find materials. Detailed product descriptions, reviews and information about targeting and relevance facilitates the selection compared to other less-focused offerings. For customers from the region, Neuss is also possible in the the retail space built into the learning therapy practice materials to test. In addition to the targeted offers the LRS Shop24.de offers for different customer groups interested therapeutic facilities Partnership model which allows interesting (often much-needed) extra income partners limited to 20 therapy practices. The company is privately financed and editorially supported by numerous therapeutic facilities. An extension of the offer to a portal with Therapeutensuchmaschine, scientific contributions and background info for those affected is in preparation.

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