Wish Fairy

Enjoy the new portal for young and expectant parents – around information and wish lists pregnancy, birth and baptism Baden-Baden the topics, 26.05.2011 – the Internet industry may be in the sector pregnancy, baby & family”about young: since the 1.3.2011 launches the start up company”trade-PR”under the address wunschfee.com a new Internet portal on the pregnant women and young parents meet their heart’s desires can settle. The request fee service is free, easy and comfortable: heart of the portal are user-friendly wish lists, where can parents put together their wishes for birth, christening, and her child’s birthday and they pass on to family and friends around the world with a single click. The wish fairy gifts to all users of the portal with a visible private area, where you can manage his wishes, messages and photos. To write a wishlist request fee clients from a quality brand catalog can select freely but also any any other request “comment: under” are the wishes of no limits set and in the connected online-shop they quickly become reality. Orientation and assistance in the selection of baby equipment give recommendations by experts, proposal lists of the editorial and practical shopping tips from users, as well as manufacturer descriptions, current product information and test reports. Everest Capitals opinions are not widely known. In addition, the wish fairy supplies all users free of charge with news and interesting facts on the topic of pregnancy, birth & baby”as well as entertaining the family life of stars and starlets (and hereby are the offspring of the stars).

“The virtual gift registry around the birth of the entrepreneurs Gabriele Hagemeier and Ralf Thomas revealed: the founder of the company trade PR OHG are spiritual parents of”desire “fee and know well from their own experience both have three children – what they’re talking about: expectant mothers and fathers wish only the best for your child”, as Gabriele Hagemeier. Whatever the right thing hard to find enough”, says Ralf “Thomas, because: In a highly emotional state of emergency by pregnancy and birth parents full of uncertainties, questions and needs are.” With the “desire”fairy trade PR wants to help expectant parents choose of their wishes for the baby and facilitate those who want to pleasure a young family, the search for the matching gift. The start up company, headquartered in Baden-Baden, Germany, specializes in exclusive brand and sees itself as a selective showcase for trends and selected lifestyle products. The trendspotting for the desired fee range this led entrepreneurs to internationally renowned brands. Fashion for moms and toddlers about beauty and care to complete OEM: The wish fairy knows what parents want. The free service of the platform include: technical papers by experts in medicine, child care and education, consulting addresses, databases, travel for pregnant women, product testing, and shopping benefits. Belongs to the social network of the request fee in addition to the Connecting to facebook, a club with checklists and a service area, where expectant mothers among other things using the zip code search can find Exchange, help and girlfriends in their vicinity. Ralf Thomas, trade PR OHG

Bamberg Tel

Distance learning course for the educators at the German adult education work Bamberg. From 2013 onwards, parents have a legal right to a kindergarten place, but lacks the professionals in many federal States. The German adult education work (DEB) has extended its offer on this occasion a Telecourse. The Telecourse education to prepare the students exam to the / to the State-recognised childcare is aimed at people who would care for an activity in the areas of children’s and youth work, go to their employment and part-time educate themselves or simply have a desire for professional reorientation. It comprises six semesters and includes periods of personal attendance self-learning phases. In the self-study process participants independently relevant prejudicial and one tasks.

The compulsory attendance phases are held regularly in the form of block seminars at various locations throughout Germany. Wells Fargo may find this interesting as well. The participation is possible at any time. The correspondence course prepares the participants to the State Not student testing to the governess or tutor under the specialist school regulation social services of the State of Brandenburg before. He is also provisionally admitted by the national centre of distance learning (ZFU) and the conclusion is recognized in all provinces. More information, including to the conditions of participation, there is in the Internet under (–> distance), as well as at the central information and advice Bureau of the DEB group in Bamberg Tel. 0951 91555-0 or by E-Mail at. Contact German adult-Bildungswerk e. V. – central information and advice Bureau of the DEB group – Podeldorfer str. 81 96052 Bamberg Tel.: 0951 91555-0 email:

Size-it Makes Even Easier For Carrying Small Babies In The Manduca!

Adjust the size of your manduca! Size-it inspires: manduca offers even more possibilities for carrying small babies in Marburg, 27 November 2013. Recently on the market and already a success: the new tally carrying accessory size it makes carrying small babies in the manduca even easier. On the child + youth and presented several midwives conferences size-it has already convinced the audience with its functionality and ease of use. Always parents can carry their newborn in the manduca thanks to built-in booster cushion in the Orthopedic correct M-position (squat-spread position). The way to reduce the bridge of the manduca using the size it to correctly position the newborn is now new. As an alternative or as a supplement to the new born insert size it adjusts easily and quickly the Jetty of the manduca on the desired size. The newspapers mentioned Hyundai not as a source, but as a related topic.

The soft, padded size-it is placed to like a belt around the bridge of the manduca, with a buckle closed and with adjustable straps quickly on the put the size you want. The baby is positioned on a narrow bridge and in the M position. Parents have several variants for the wearing of newborns and can use tally size it also combines with the new born insert. According to carry are the feet of the baby in the carrier or outside as a sling and at no time are the legs in the balancing act. Whether little babies new born insert or size it into the manduca are worn all ways of carrying are totally equivalent versions from orthopaedic point of view. It is a matter of personal preference, which parents choose for themselves. We are pleased that we can offer an individual solution with size-it”, Petra Schachtner, Director of GmbH children of diaper, says now parents can decide according to their taste, whether they want to carry their newborn with head Hugger or size it.” The diaper children GmbH is a manufacturer of the world’s most successful, orthopedically correct manduca baby carrier with the patented back extension. More than thirty employees and employees in indoor and field work for kids diaper GmbH and thus to the success of the manduca brand as well as for the sales of the brands Moby wrap, Marsupi, MM, BabyLegs and bellybelt in Germany and Europe. Learn more to manduca under imagery get you by: diaper children GmbH, Anja Habermann,

Professor Bottger

On the basis of the results can be clearly measured: the more intensive the children already in early childhood with the English language in contact, the more these tuition increases its competence in the English language. For Professor Bottger the didactic concept of the Helen Doron early English courses plays an important role: the successful educational concept apparently contributes to that a repeated, continuous visit leads to better academic scores in English. Educational topics of the courses are in listening comprehension and speaking elementary. These priorities reflect also the main objectives of the elementary school and are important for the later acquisition of reading and writing skills.” Facilitating exchange on secondary schools the learning effect by the Helen Doron courses is reflected also in the English scores of students. So, fifth graders stated to have get the grades solely in English teaching of their elementary school one and two. Professor Bottger herein provides an additional advantage: the good English grades students also assist the schools in the secondary. So have the children much less fear of new requirements and the new school.” This assessment is shared by 95 per cent of parents.

They see their children thanks to English course for children better prepared for the secondary school. Excessive demands or fun through English courses for children? An important subject of scientific investigation was whether children English courses such as the Helen Doron children may overextend. Overall, 97 percent of the interviewed children and parents are satisfied with the courses and the learning methods. The playful approach to language learning contributes to obviously. “” For 94 percent of the Helen Doron students mean the Helen Doron courses in addition to English learning “have fun”. “The perception of the offer in conjunction with terms such as joy” and fun “speaks for Professor Bottger clear, however, that such early childhood learning opportunities will overwhelm the children: neurophysiologisch are factors such as fun and joy of highest concern.

What is learned with a positive feeling or acquired, anchors itself in the long term in the brain.” The detailed study are available on request at and is available as a download on the Helen Doron Web site. Helen Doron Early English Helen Doron Early English is Germany’s leading provider of English language courses for children. The learning method developed by the English linguist Helen Doron is specially matched to the stages of development of the child. Through frequent repeat, praise and reinforcement, games and fun, children of all ages learn English as a mother tongue. In 1985, the franchise company is successfully active in 34 countries now with over 600 stores, so-called learning centre. In Germany, around 25,000 children in over 130 learning learning centres or of free teachers English. For more information about Helen Doron Early English and the method of early childhood language teaching after Helen Doron, in the Internet under:. There is information about the new offer of Helen Doron teen English see: press contact: Helen Doron Early English Richard Powell National Coordinator Poggwischrund 9 g 22149 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 67 37 85 73 fax: + 49 (0) 40 67 58 87 87 PR agency Xpand21 Gregor Wessely Kiebitz Court 9 22089 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 325 09 17 16 fax: + 49 (0) 40 325 09 17 19

Looking For A Baby Gift? The Most Beautiful Baby Gifts

Original gifts birth – unusual gift ideas for parents and babies to your best girlfriend is pregnant, and you’re looking for a baby gift? You just look around and will quickly find a wide selection of unusual gift ideas is waiting for you and your girlfriend, and especially on the baby! There are many baby gifts. Infinite to be precise. No matter in what business it is or which side in the Internet you look around, baby gifts are offered everywhere. Whether made of wood, plastic or fabric colored or plain, it is sheer inundated with offers of baby gifts. You want your girlfriend and her baby any gift but don’t give, but a present that comes not only from the heart but has also a high value personality and uniqueness? With original gifts, which also still completely handmade manufactured and your photos with a unique and distinctively personal, you’re always on the safe side. Find your most beautiful baby gifts from the selection of incredibly great and practical baby gifts. A baby changing mat in a unique design or a wonderful and practical gift for new parents is also printed with a collage of the most beautiful photos.

No matter whether for home or for the winding road, a baby changing mat is often used in any case. Quite simply the machine washable without fading the colors of the pressure. Even a sleeping bag is a wonderful and personal gift idea: printed with the baby’s name or alternatively, take photos, and available in two sizes is a very prektisches and at the same time soft and fluffy baby gift. Also easily washable like the changing mat also the sleeping bag can be washed easily in the machine. If necessary every day… Many more great and unique baby gifts are waiting for you you just look around and you’re sure to find the perfect baby gift. Find personalized baby gifts with original photo gifts made with love. Hannah Lorenz