This should the tasks of the job the CV then as possible, thus correspond also optimally is weighted. The application documents prove completeness of application documents the information in the curriculum vitae for the individual work stations, training, training, formation of the school and any further information. This includes all references, diplomas, mastercraftsman, journeyman, vocational training certificates, the last school report and of course all certificates and certificates of participation through training. If any documents are missing, then a corresponding notice is already in the curriculum vitae highly recommended, so the HR expressly indicated and therefore also not on the thought comes, that the candidate quietly hiding evidence. Even the qualifications of the candidate’s qualifications should correspond to the tasks and requirements of the job for the most part.
Therefore also the job should be studied if you cancel again thoroughly, to uncover any under – or have qualifications which are also reasons for rejections. It is therefore with lower qualifications advisable to compensate for this circumstance with the strength training and further development in the cover letter. Also clever formulations serve above qualifications for transferring medium-term independent management and project responsibility. Written response to the cancellation of a good and recommendable response to a rejection is also the written answers. Because this letter the applicant can still a minimal chance himself to true, get the job yet, because the recruiters had to determine an afterthought that the newly hired employees but not to the requirements and/or the team fit and therefore already during the trial period once again terminated him. The content of such a letter of reply could be thus formulated: Dear Ms/Mr, three days ago I received your cancellation on my application.
Although I am still disappointed about it, but I accept your decision. Because I can see no concrete reasons your cancellation, I suspect that it has not pressed on my qualifications. but another detail gave preference to a competitor. That’s why I’m very optimistic to be able to gain a foothold in another company with my strengths and capabilities. But until it so far is, you can still come back every time like me, you are again interested in my skills. Because I am, despite the rejection, still at the site and at your company is very interested in. I thank you for your good wishes for my professional future and wish your company always good luck on my part.