
That is, we're leaving all our hopes for effective management and replace its inefficient "one-man band." In this case, the person who comes direct from a different industry, and being internally strong, would be quite easy to work with his team, asking them, and consultation and advice, creating it, enabling the creative atmosphere in the team and not squashing her sverhkompetentnostyu will allow to grow members of his team. After all, the manager, by definition, the main function – management and it is not necessary to know some features of narrow professional, whether some specific markets in which to work Director of Sales and required tolerances in bearings in the shop, run by his boss. What should be the leader? The leader must constantly grow in order to lead others to make the growth and potential growth of others. How can a person grow, moving horizontally, without changing anything in my life from one company to another, staying within your industry? Despite all of these shortcomings, with employers perseverance worthy of another application, require that candidates experience in the industry, even if the industry is represented in the country by a single company. And, as I mentioned above, especially the absurd and, at the same time, especially popular is the demand of industry experience of top executives from major and sellers. But, armed with the knowledge that employers really want when you want candidates to the industry work experience, you can sell them the idea of finding candidates from other industries than make life easier. We already know that the employer does not want to make the wrong choice of key people and considers the experience of a guarantee against such an error. In this case, it recruiters, and should provide him with such guarantees and other guarantees, in principle, it is not necessary, as long as he trusts the recruiters.

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