If you look today in the major conurbations of Great Britain a little looking around, we come sometime soon on translations of English documents, street signs or advertisements in buildings in a different language. Good examples of this are documents of local governments, public buildings and schools. We are all obviously aware that these documents will help serve the currently very high proportion of immigrants in Britain. However, only a brief glance at the list of translations, that this solution is not optimal. Why Well, a translated document or shield consists of confusing array of different languages, some of which still use to other writing systems. The reader’s attention is constantly drawn to other elements of what such documents unnecessarily complicated – even for native English speakers who read only the English part. Not including the administrative burden when translations into different languagesmake can be, for example by a competent, which specializes in all kinds of documents. This is clearly linked with an additional cost and time factor. Is there a solution for this problem At least the Polish physician Ludwik Zamenhof was convinced when he designed in 1887, the constructed language Esperanto, which could be used in his view, as the world’s second language, to overcome the global language barriers. Esperanto is indeed a living language and is promoted around the globe from the World Esperanto Association (UEA), which is represented in 113 countries. In the framework of the UNESCO conference in Geneva this language was created in 1954 declared it the ideal means to promote mutual understanding and fellowship between speakers of many different languages. Esperanto had its heyday in the 50s to the 70s of the 20th Century. Although it is now rather overshadowed, it is still spoken by half from one million to three million Esperanto speakers around the world actively promoted. Esperanto is thereforeuseful or even necessary A world away can use a second language, national borders, is certainly a utopian panacea to unite people around the world. It sounds plausible: We could stop immediately in order to learn certain languages like French, Spanish, German or Italian, and focusing instead on Esperanto, to agree as anywhere in the world. Similarly, it would mean for the business community that make it unnecessary correspondence in Esperanto translation of specific services and thus the company would save time and money. So why – when a second language could be used around the world yet so useful – Esperanto is nowadays not more widely The reasons are varied and complex. These include, for example, geopolitical factors such as the global influence of the British Empire in the past and the overarching influence of U.S. culture in the present. Ifwe continue with this idea, we see that in reality it is already a second auxiliary language which is used almost all over the world, a fact which demonstrates the usefulness and necessity of such an auxiliary language – just simply have led to the circumstances that have so many of us English and Esperanto is not chosen as a second language. Translation German-English English-German translation Please visit our site
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