Financial Education

For one better agreement concerning the financial education and mainly of the previdenciria (became of extreme relevance as for the Closed System of Providence, a time that the Advice of Management of the Complementary Providence? CGPC, by means of the Recommendation n 01, of 28/04/2008, recommended that the EFPC developed and implanted a program directed to the same one), a boarding becomes necessary on the abrangncia of each one, as well as the paper of the Closed Entities of Complementary Providence given the Brazilian current situation. This article is divided in six sessions, where the first one is this that enumerate the stages of the work, second speaks concerning the cycle of life of the worker, third brings the definitions of the educations financial and previdenciria and of the complementary providence, fourth it makes a study concerning the behavior of the Brazilian worker as well as of the public welfare and projects the EFPCs as an alternative, fifth it approaches on the EFPCs, and it finishes is the consideraes ends of the gift work. 2. Cycle of the Life the theory of the life cycle was developed by Franc Modigliani, Richard Brumberg and Albert Ando in the decade of 50 as a perfectioning of the keynesiana function consumption that, collated with the empirical data it showed that it could be improved. While the function consumption establishes that the consumption depends on the available current income of the individual, hypothesis of the life cycle sees the individual as a planner whose objective is to for a long period establish a behavior in consumption terms and saving, placing its consumption in the best possible way during all its life.

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