Frank Village

Later, changes in the ones of Borari had also occurred and Arapiuns, in 1757, with the names of Alter-do-Soil and Frank Village e, in 1758, of Is Incio and Is Jose, with the denominations of Boim and Pinhel. The sprouting of the city narrowly is related to the domination process that the Portuguese had imposed to the Amaznia. The domination lusa, throughout the river Tapajs was influenced by the interest to hinder that the foreigners if established throughout the edges of the river Amazon, and to reach this objective, the Portuguese government organized innumerable expeditions, of which most important of them for region was of captain Peter Teixeira in 1626, that it reached the estuary of the river Tapajs. In 1639, Peter Teixeira returns at the time to this river, where Itaituba already was village of the indians mundurucu and makes with them a pact to eliminate tapaj. According to Mendona (1976), Peter Teixeira was the first foreigner to arrive at the village mundurucu. To leave of this expedition, the indians had had its first contact with people of a total different culture of the one of them, that he implied, directly, in the transformation of the space where they lived and in its way of if relating with the same. The creation of the aldeamentos co-ordinated for the Jesuits was given to the beginning who had the purpose to mark in definitive the Portuguese ownership in the place. From 1754, when the aldeamentos were under the administration of general Francisco Aguiar de Stolen Mendona occurred the process of removal of the Jesuits of the command of the aldeamentos that these religious ones had established. In 1758, the town of Saint Incio de Loiola received the name from Boim and of They are Jose received the name from Pinhel. In that year, the valley of the Tapajs was under the domain of Jose Naples Teles de Menezes who established the clientele of Ours Lady of the Conceio, today, the city of Aveiro.

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