Improvement Of Work Conditions

This material has as objective to demonstrate the necessity of the application of a motivacional model in a corporation for the improvement of the work conditions aiming at advantages for the group and the individual in inserted it. The objective of this work is not to point a tool as reference with respect to the application of the motivation and yes to demonstrate some of the existing tools without detaching any preference for some theory mentioned here. 2.0 – Search for the motivation The motivation is the reason for which a person this determining to reach an objective that of certain forms satisfies it, using this concept we can observe the reason of the companies to be searching a team motivated or a tool to motivate it. In accordance with Walnut, Arnaldo J.F. Mazzei General Theory of the Administration for Century XXI (p 136 So Paulo 2007) & ldquo; The mannering approach had its on origin the diverse aspects: the movement for well-being of the workers, the Christian thought and humanist, the evolution of psychology applied to the industry, the importance of the informal groups and its dynamics, the studies on the human factor and the behavior of the controlling and you lead of them of organizaes.& rdquo; In accordance with Walnut, Arnaldo J.F. Mazzei General Theory of the Administration for Century XXI (p 136 So Paulo 2007) & ldquo; However the work is a situation specifies and intricate, in which the personal characteristics confrot with the nature and the conditions of work defined by the organizations. This wants to say that it is difficult to combine the impulse and the desire of each person with the situation of trabalho.& rdquo; The motivation must leave of the individual desire of each integrant one of a group being able to be activated by the environment in which this inserted one, to the measure that the work group is if entrosando the motivation of each individual of the group will be raised, being thus the faster results will be in friendlier way, but to get this period of training tools must be used that will be of extreme necessity to not only give an initial step, but also to keep the motivation of the team.

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