" In the West, quality and food safety control producers themselves. Chief technologist slaughterhouse 'Outskirts' Vladimir Timchenko believes that self-control is the best guarantee of reliability of the product:' The Europeans understand that the dishonesty of one manufacturer, even a thousand, undermines the reputation of the entire industry. To maintain trust with consumers, food manufacturers produce industry associations to draw up rules of behavior – the same for all. Violators these rules chained to the pillory. With their own colleagues. " Nothing so stimulates the responsibility as collective responsibility. This view is supported and the National Meat Association. In Russia, the responsibility for what we eat, lies with the state in the face of Rospotrebnadzor.
'If you take the international experience, the supervisor – is a referee who sees what is going on between consumers and producers – says Maxim Sinelnikov Head of the National Meat Association. – Our system is not entirely correct relationship the consumer – the manufacturer of the supervisory authorities are trying constantly to stand in the middle. At the same time when applying consumer, as a rule, do not take measures to prevent the situation when it passed a critical phase, when the grass is, God forbid, the people '. The EU and the U.S. to protect the consumer called HACCP system (translated from English – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points).
It defines the rules of building production processes and control with only one purpose – to guarantee food safety. HACCP developed in 1960 at NASA. With its help monitor the safety of products intended for astronauts. 'The main principle of HACCP – to monitor and prevent – says the chief technologist slaughterhouse' Outskirts' Vladimir Timchenko. – Management Structure and process chains are arranged in the HACCP, so that every action of every employee is clearly recorded. God forbid, the product revealed a flaw. This can happen at any production stage. By barcode in a few minutes we can roll out the product and the history of surnames to identify who and at what stage participated in its creation. At our plant is known to everyone. Believe me, understanding the fact that your negligence must be found – the best incentive for responsible attitudes to their work. " Institute of Meat Industry in Russia by the HACCP system has been certified at least 20 companies. Why is it so this figure is modest – it is clear: the introduction of additional investment required HASPP reduces the profitability of production. In addition, compliance with the standards of HACCP requires annual confirmation. And do not get an independent audit agree 'amicably'. Deal with state control is far less troublesome. 'Businesses that produce meat products, virtually uncontrolled, – says Maxim Zuev, Director Kronstadt meat processing plant. – Monitors the state have the right to inspect meat Enterprise 1 every two years, and only on the complaints of consumers can be checked at any time. " Since 2004, the HACCP certification became mandatory for all food companies in the EU. Experts say in one voice, that in Russia in the coming years this will not happen. HACCP involves independent auditing companies. And it does not fit in system of total state control over the food industry, which is not canceled "meat regulation".