
This stage is conducted by arts. 44 the 48, of the Law n 8.666/93. After declaration of the qualification, the bidder participates of the session of opening of the envelopes with the proposal written. As Peixoto (2001) at this moment occurs the inversion of the licitatrio process where instead of being open first the envelopes of qualification, as in the too much modalities, of – first the opening of the envelopes I contend the written proposals. According to professor Maral Justen Son (2008), the contrary proposals with the proclamation or the law are declassified and pass to be examined only the proposals whose content if finds inside of the demanded parameters.

' ' To leave from there, it is proceeded you launch it verbal successive to be made for the bidder whom the lesser price presented and for others who have presented prices up to 10% above, until if he classifies the proposal most advantageous for the Administrao' ' (Peixoto, 2001, p.2). In the proclamation, the Administration after to receive the proposals verbal, chooses that one with lesser price and celebrates the contract with the author of it. In accordance with Barossi (2008) the Administration after the definition of the winner proceeds the homologation and adjudication from the proposal before the formalizao the administrative contract, that must be made in compliance with arts. 66 and 67, of the law of licitations. The development of this licitatrio process is exemplificado to follow (Table 1 and Graph 1), with the analysis of the classification and the comparison of prices between them you launch initials and ends made for companies who had participated of a presumption actual proclamation carried through by the City council of a city for the acquisition of fuels for supplying of the vehicles of the same one. Table 1: Final classification of the participant companies of the proclamation and description of the product and its values.

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