The Price

The manufacturer – production team, a single entrepreneur, the seller of the goods as the last manufacturer in the chain of producers of the commodity. production costs of goods – the difference between revenue and commodity price his labor. Sum of the prices of labor producers of those goods whose value has been moved to the cost of manufactured goods, except for the price of labor of the last manufacturer. profit manufacturers – the difference between revenue and production costs, which include payroll. profit – arithmetic average of the profits of producers of one-species products in this market.

A mid Profit – the profit to which tend to gravitate srednevidovye profits at the expense of flow of funds from the less profitable types of businesses into more profitable. market – Institute for the exchange of goods. labour market – Institute for Labour exchange – and rather, it results in the form of goods produced by them – on wages. labour market – "front door" to the labor market. Institute of contract of employment between employee and employer, in which wage employee receives a temporary use means of production of any goods in exchange for a commitment to sell them for a salary produced goods to their employer. Equilibrium market – a market where demand is balanced proposal, and there are constant prices. conditions of equilibrium market – Analysis and synthesis of the variety of conditions of formation of the equilibrium of the market, reduce this diversity to the two conditions.

Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo

It is likely that he misunderstood the mechanism of such open miracles which occurred at its sessions. But the fact that the scars on his body, in the heart of resolve, gray hair regains its youthfulness and much more – it's a fact. Another thing is that he is not held spiritual preparation, just as nuclear power fell into the hands of people are not spiritual, that it was used in harm. But that is another issue: the theme of morality, which for us, the Creator unambiguously solved: we have already chosen the path of the Soul, a growth path of spirituality, the disclosure of God in himself, expanding the kingdom of God in your heart, life in the flow of the Light of the Soul. I guess you could note that the sessions A. Kashpirovsky healed people in the mostly simple, not intellectuals. Why so? Because their mind can be easily switched off, because such people have less knowledge and intelligence did not interfere with work with the healing of the body.

People knowledgeable with many more doubts knowledge and most importantly more control over what is happening. The mind of such people is the guardian of sacred what is happening, but even more so in his body. It because such a mind can not be corporeal transformation. Christ could not heal anybody in his native village, since everyone knew him as the son of a carpenter. The mind of such people could not disconnect from it. Founder of Integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo, working on transformation of cells of the body – relieving them from software aging and dying over the control of the mind, said: "The Europeans prevents the loss of the spiritual atmosphere, skepticism, the habit of mental activity, which makes it more difficult for them to achieve full mental silence


In the age of Aquarius Pisces basic concept of humanity was the concept of Faith. Age of Pisces was the epoch of the Faith. That is why before and emerged in the era of Pisces are so many different religious teachings, world religions and sects, each of which claims to be the true faith. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Ben Silbermann and gain more knowledge.. In the Age of Aquarius will be a fundamental concept of friendship. In the Age of Aquarius friendship is stronger than all other types of human communication.

Strong love that can pass more of the Faith, in which You can be disappointed, etc. True Friendship in the Age of Aquarius is above all. People need to be friends for real: friendship with God (absolute), as all true friends do for each other and always help each other, should friends, husband and wife – not to be partners in marriage, but to be real friends or enemies. Parents need to be friends with their children, teachers – with pupils, heads with subordinates, physicians, patients, people – with the state and people – with animals and people of other worlds, etc. But friendship should be a real, true and loyal, true, and not the business or partnership, friendship disguised or hidden animosities. Aquarius – – dual mark Zodiac. He pours a vibrant, spiritual, water and the dead, spiritless (materialistic).

And friendship will be true of highly spiritual people or fake in , materialistic people. Home commandment Age of Aquarius: Be Friend of God and all the inhabitants of the earth and the universe. In the Age of Aquarius by one of the main priorities of mankind will be the development of the fundamental (primarily) and applied science, new knowledge and technologies, including those created by not only human beings but also with extraterrestrial beings and representatives of parallel worlds, or transmitted to people unearthly scientific knowledge and technology. Learn new terrestrial and extraterrestrial knowledge and technology. Develop your Intelligence and participate in the development of science and the search for new truths and knowledge. Become a friend of the alien and the representative of a parallel world. Create the future together with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and the parallel worlds.