One of the largest geothermal power plants of in Germany is produced with the support of SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG) sustainability is on the subject of investment. The meltdown of several reactors in Japan, triggered by a natural disaster, recently revealed that only a sustainable way of dealing with nature and with the existing resources can help to avoid enormous, if not irreparable damage. The need is actually aware of all leaders from politics and economics, but the funds often lack, to implement urgently needed projects,”explains Michael Oberle, Board of Directors of the Swiss SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG). The SAM AG is focused now on, help finance interesting, promising projects itself on the one hand and on the other hand to offer investment vehicles for their capitalization. We recognize not only the opportunities, we also pay for them”, so the SAM AG Board of Directors. This special projects in the field of renewables are the Swiss SME finance of the SAM AG Energies, as well as the Cleantech segment in the heart. From our point of view, “topics such as environmentally friendly and at the same time efficient generation of energy as well as a meaningful and effective use and distribution are the great challenges of the future, says SAM financing expert.
Exactly these aspects play an important role in the future plans of SAM AG, because geothermal projects are to be implemented in southern Bavaria with the help of other large investors and investors. The SAM AG accompanied the power plants this commitment with the sale of a bond portfolio 2011 No. 1 “of Fatah GeoKraftWerke GmbH. The GeoKraftwerke GmbH is a subsidiary of Fatah geothermal energy GmbH, in which SAM AG is the major shareholder. This in turn, the SAM AG invests in the mega-trend”geothermal energy. With the help of hot water, you want the project Germany”generate not only electricity, but also more than 3,500 households can be supplied with heat.
After all, some 15,000 households could already in the next year the Green Buy electricity”. Other projects of Fatah geothermal energy GmbH are already in planning. But once the financing needs. And because the experts of SAM AG are realists. 1,000 euros can investors in the power plants portfolio 2011 No. 1 “participate in – and that at a fixed annual basic interest rate of 7.25 percent, plus excess interest. Overall, a volume of 50 million euros is planned, with up to four more power plant projects can be implemented. The SAM AG sees great potential in this type of energy generation and therefore has the first project of Fatah geothermal energy GmbH to a large extent – completely independent of the bond – financed with. When Germany goes to the network, it can claim to be one of the largest geothermal power plants in Germany. The SAM AG contributed here to a first-class reference project, whereby investors can get an idea of, what they invest. SAM Board of Directors Oberle hopes this finding as many imitators. That is likely significantly facilitate future rounds of financing. The prospects are very promising, because sustainable investments in the favor of investors now already at the top.