
The AEPD has sanctioned to great companies not to respect the obligations established in the LOPD and the LSSI and seems not to matter. Hear other arguments on the topic with Sotheby’s. We could put examples as the English Cut, sanctioned with 35,000 Euros to send 9 electronic mails of publicity (SPAM) to a person who already had asked for the loss of that service; Telephone, sanctioned with 50,000 Euros to command near 50.000.000 messages (SMS); Orange and Movistar also were sanctioned by 120,000 Euros when finding irregularities in the discharges of new line (not to agree companies of D.N.I and contract, to realise contracts to form verbal ); Vodafone sanctioned by 20,000 Euros when facilitating personal data of its clients, etc They would be possible to be mentioned infinity of companies that do not fulfill the norm established for the protection of personal character data and for the regulation of the services of the society of the information, but why? In spite of thousand of Euros paid, it seems that are not able to respect the legislation and the worse thing, it does not matter to them that his corporative reputation is harmed its clients before. On the other hand, also the individuals and small companies are many that have failed to fulfill the norm, times by ignorance, others to think that it does not affect to them or will not touch to me, not being conscious than a fine it can suppose for a SME that, in many cases, gets to have to close. Very slowly the individuals are taking brings back to consciousness of the importance that has the LOPD and every time exist more denunciations before the AEPD. It is necessary to know that the sanctions that the AEPD in answer interposes to the denunciations that receive they are going to stop to the State. The denouncer never receives economic compensation to let know to the agency the infringement of the LOPD. Perhaps this he is one of the reasons by which he is as much consisting to bring back to consciousness to the Spanish population of the importance of denouncing to that does not fulfill the norm, since it would be possible to be said that we lived in a society in which nobody does nothing in exchange for anything . Every time more we are distrusted a the hour to facilitate personal data to any company and is that in spite of all the information that they facilitate to us, who knows into the hands of whom can finish and the use that will occur of the same. He is ours to have to explain that companies like us exist ( who we dedicated ourselves to help our clients (small and great companies, individuals) so that they apply the LOPD and they implant the advisable norms of security to assure that their data well are protected, and also to the citizens that have seen harmed their right, so that really does not leave profitable to perdir pardon instead of to request permission. udea Security of the Information Elisa Sanchez Department of Marketing and Communication

Social Networks

Much is heard speak of the summer romances but the certain thing is that, according to diverse studies the winter is the time of the year in which more stable relations consolidate. Or by the cold that animates to be wrapped in pair or either because the winter time implies a homemade character the more, the period that goes from the months of October and November to March is in that the more stable relations they consolidate. The labor subjects and the cotidaneidad see of one more a more positive way with respect to the stations of spring and summer. A very sweet winter in good company the means are infinite but a series of places and forms exist to know other people who emphasize. It enters the classic ones is possible to be known compatible people in friendly meetings in which it is probable that they attend others with common tastes ours. Also, the library is a topic that would not be due to undervalue since, mainly in the case of the students it bears his fruits due to the great amount of hours that are due to happen in her.

Also it is possible to be decided on in line so fashionable love by means of chats or the social networks. In many cases we will be able to find people who share likings and style of life of more or less distant places reason why the implication degree that we wish will depend on us. Especially, this way to make friendships is interesting for which they do not look for anything but that they want to know lives different. The classic one of the bar of the bar presents/displays certain difficulties since the nocturnal tendency is not to take too much in serious east type from you bind and to lie more of the account. Although he is inevitable to find attractive in this type of encounter, turns out complicated to find a person with interests common in atmospheres in which is inclined to being deceived. Techniques so that a winter love prospers As or they know do not exist technical infallible so that a love prospers although if that is certain that, in case it is being coexisted or taking a life in consolidated pair, the problems that will arise will be different that if is a love in line.

To determine the differences and to use them strongpoints will favor both parts of the relation seating the bases for something lasting. In case the winter relation has been formed with traditional methods, the importance is had in finding the balance between the needs of the pair and the own space. The most common error consists of not letting breathe to the other, especially at the outset, done that in the long run can end up passing invoice since, to part of a pair relation, it is essential to have other networks like the friendly or the work. When the love in line blooms, often he is not conscious of the luck that must to the power maintain the bonds, the labor relations and, really, the space. In this case, however, it happens the opposite since the enamored ones will feel that they do not spend the sufficient time with his pair. To be creative and to use all the means within reach of the internauts (electronic mails, blog in pair, videoconferences) they will be the keys so that it lasts.

Dangers Quiet Death

If You live in a department in a partnership or house she knows that: Any device to gas, cooks, calefn, stove for the combustion consumes I oxygenate. the carbon monoxide it is a highly toxic gas for person and animal. The poisoning of carbon monoxide is very subtle and we cannot to give account to us of her since the monoxide does not have color does not taste does not have scent does not irritate the mucous It does not give asphyxia sensation or breathlessness Although is not perceivable generates symptoms such as: Headache, irritability, confusion, respiratory difficulty, faint, I navigate, weakness, nauseas, vomits, accelerated pulse of the heart, torxico pain, convulsions, loss of hearing, blurred vision, disorientation, loss of knowledge, eat, cardiac unemployment and respiratory failure in the end. A brief exhibition even can cause neurological injuries. The lack of I oxygenate generates cellular death. The death by poisoning of carbon monoxide is called death ” dulce” because she is little violent, the monoxide is combined with the blood through the lungs and as this he is colorless, odorless and insipid it is of very difficult detection, and breathing to concentration even elevated, does not give to sensation of asphyxia nor breathlessness, and it is so the majority of the victims is not conscious of the death. In the departments in partnerships and houses are important: Not to obtruir ventilations If note that the flame in la/s hornallas has yellowish color, is indication of bad combustion. (it calls to gasista registered) the adjustment or change of devices to carry out it with gasista Registered. Before change of calefones or thermotanks to make sure they have the ventilation adapted according to norms (pending, angles) This prohibited to utilzar indented sewers of ventilation (they evacuate a 30% less than the smooth ones) Statistical accidents because of Gas in Argentina: cases intoxicated died 2008 51 46 54 2009 66 110 46 2010 81 153 42 Before the smaller suspicion or to have some symptom it calls to gasista qualified and it warns the administration of the partnership.

CRM Free For Doctors

The war of samples free and attentions to the doctors exposes to the laboratories of EE.UU to a rain of criticisms and investigations. Not but gratuitous dinners in restaurants fashionable or entrances for Broadway. Not but followed lunches of golf parties. But skiing excursions or you do not silverplate in stages. In order to silence to its critics and to avoid majors regulations, the pharmaceutical industry has decided to change the tactics of promotion of its products between the doctors. The 10 of July would enter use new you rule voluntary established by the laboratories leaders, that put you limit the gifts that the visitadores of companhias distribute between the doctors to influence their prescription of remedies. From now on, all the interactions of the industry with the CRM medical software deberan to benefit the patients and to hire practices of the medicine, according to the new norm. To flatter a replica in plastic of an ear or a lung that the doctors can use to instruct to the patient would consider suitable, but it sera not to flatter a sport purse or golf balls with the mark of medecines.

To that comes this impulse to moralizar the promotion tactics? The basic curtain is an increasing irritation by the high cost of the drugs. The sector is object of legislative investigations and a series of demands by causes that go from the patents to the publicities directed to the consumer. Until recently, the laboratories parecian impermeable to the bad publicity that it attracted to them, in the last five anhos, his war of flatteries. From 1997 the cost of the phamacists in events of marketing and meetings I duplicate myself fully, reaching 2,100 million dollars in the 2001. But now the high managers of the great companies decided to put the things in sequence, says Tim Margraf, of ImpactRX, a company/signature that analyzes the promotional cost of the pharmaceutical industry.

Spanish Society

All the types of psychological treatments have not been put under properly on approval. The most investigated, until the moment, he has been the mental-behavioural one. From this approach effective treatments for a diversity of problems have been derived: upheavals of anxiety, greater depression, sexual dysfunctions, problems of pair, upheavals of feeding, drogodependencias, upheavals of conduct in the childhood, control of sphincters and, in combination with medical interventions, schizophrenia, pain and upheaval of deficit of attention with hyperactivity. The psychoanalytic, psicodinmicas therapies, existential systemic humanists and have not been investigated sufficiently until the moment, reason why it is not possible to be affirmed if they are effective or not (Spanish Society, 2002). Reason for consultation When a person attends a visit with a professional of the mental health the reasons that take more commonly it to do it refers the lightening of a suffering, of a suffering. Generally the patient feels that there is something in his person that it is causing some suffering to him, some psychic pain.

But it does not know what is specifically nor how to act against it. It is very common to observe that the person who requests the consultation is a third party (a relative, pair or friend) that is worried or perceives that something is happening to him to its dear being. A great percentage of patients goes to therapy because other people attended, obtained the aid whom they asked for and therefore they recommend the professional. One of extended myths more is than the psychologist is a species of friend, to who one can tell a difficulty him, and that this one is enabled (legally authorized) to advise with respect to the solution. The therapist only represents an objective mirror, a other I who am in favor of outside us who listen to us what really we are meaning. He gives back a representation to us, an image of we ourself and the relations that we maintain; hyped by the word that our defensive mechanisms did not allow the access to brings back to consciousness.