
In 2000, they had more than corresponded 27% of the total of deaths, that is, in this year 255,585 people had died in consequence of illnesses of the circulatrio device, acometendo of 15 20% the adult population and being able to reach higher indices of up to 50% in the aged population. The arterial hipertenso is an illness characterized for the rise of the sanguineous if not controlled pressure, can cause cardiac, cerebral and renais problems, amongst others. In 90% of the cases its origin is unknown. (Similarly see: Richard Plackett). In the comment of this current picture, a study was become fullfilled having searched to answer following the problematic one: which are the procedures used for the program of control of the hipertenso of the PSF Fernando Alves, in the city of Are Felix in the treatment of the HAS in adults? The general objective of the inquiry was to describe the procedures used for the program of control of the hipertenso of the PSF Fernando Alves of the city of Is Felix in the treatment of the HAS in adults. Beyond this, they had been elect as objective specific: ) to define arterial hipertenso; b) to contextualizar the arterial hipertenso in the city of Is Felix; c) to present reversible and not reversible factors of risk; d) to describe the procedures carried through for the PSF in the treatment of the hipertensos; e) To analyze and to present resulted.

This article consists of: Introduction, Concept and Description of the Arterial Hipertenso, reversible and not reversible Factors of risk, metodolgicos Classification of the pressricos indices, Aspects, Analyze of the Final data and Consideraes. Edward DeMarco spoke with conviction. Appraise the arterial, first hipertense is necessary to know what it is the arterial pressure. The arterial pressure is the force that the sanguine flow exerts in the arteries. Through its measurement, two values are registered: sistlica pressure, when the heart if contracts pumping the blood, and diastlica pressure, when the heart relaxes between two cardiac strokes..

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