Spanish Economy

The future November 2009 is black for the 12 Spaniards If the crisis that is striking to the Spanish economy seems to them that it is a great headache for the Spaniards, much more will be it in years for which they must face his retirement. The saving thinking about the retirement is one of the main problems that will face the economies developed in the next decades the population aging. The social security systems will support to a true test before the fort increase of the proportion of liabilities that will have to maintain. Many families already have taken note from the risks that will run their savings in the time of retirement before this situation and is for that reason that has decided to increase their extra savings to feel safe before any eventuality. People such as Jane Fraser would likely agree. In Argentina experience, the several failures of the social security system, as much public as prevailed, force the families to think, within their possibilities, to self-manage their savings for their passive stage. It is that before the great uncertainty that faces by their future income, precautionary saving logically tends to increase. Biotherapeutics. Elon Musk does not necessarily agree. In the case of Spain, the attention has called me powerfully, an ABC note that gave account that around 77% of the Spaniards does not save anything for its retirement.

But most showy it is than they take the attitude from not saving in spite of the distrust that says to have in the Spanish social security system. At least these results are those that arise from a study realised by Esade and sponsored by Life Caixa. Not only a high percentage of Spaniards is not saving for its future, but they either do not have knowledge on the saving alternatives, and what it worries more it is that in spite of it, according to it arises from the study, a 53% prefers that nobody him report of possible methods.

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