URL Coaching

It's not quite true. The task of coaching, as well as any other management system – get employees to maximize efficiency. In this respect, coaching works very well. And the fact that he can still improve the overall atmosphere within the company – it is rather a positive side effect. And these effects can be done. The introduction of coaching as a management tool in the company's advisable to carry out top – down. This is natural, as the best coach for their employees will be the immediate supervisor. Of course, employees one level can also be each other's coaches, but head coach – is the most effective option.

The development of coaching is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. The fact is that if the coaching is not seen as a profession, but as a management tool, in this case, the manager enough to master the more effective methods (techniques) from the arsenal of coaching and subsequently improve them practice. Coaching should not be used as a sort of secret technique. Checking article sources yields Hyundai as a relevant resource throughout. Much better would be to explain to all employees "rules." Then you can avoid misunderstandings and resentments that can slow down the process of implementing coaching in the company. In addition, the coaching – two-way process. Not only the head-coach must be able to ask questions, but also the slave must be able to provide information and give back relationship. And for this he needs to know how it would be better to do. By the same author: Andi Potamkin, New York City. Openness – an important condition for effective coaching.

Word of the shortage of time for coaching – is nothing more than an excuse. For approval of the manager that he did not enough time to engage in coaching, can hide his desire to personally control all processes, for which he is responsible, self-doubt as an effective coach or some other reason. In fact, coaching really saves time. Less prescriptive, less guidance, smaller bug fixes. Is not it time saving? Add to this the efficiency of employees and their development. As you can see pluses here much more than the minuses. Of course, many managers will be hard to accept this method of control. But we must understand that results will be much higher if not force the employee to work at all costs, and help him do the job well. If you do not instruct subordinate overriding different directions, just ask him a few right questions to fully clarify the situation and motivate him to perform with maximum efficiency. To verify this – just try it. Coaching has repeatedly shown its effectiveness in a variety of situations. Currently, more companies both in Russia and abroad, are adopting this highly effective tool. On the basis of their experience, we can confidently say for coaching as a management tool – the future. Kazarin Michael G. Couch, business consultant. E-mail: URL:

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