
It is worth such a device is not too expensive, allows you to charge four batteries at a time, which is especially important for people who like to shoot in a long hike. I think comrade will be happy such a gift. If you require is not present "on occasion", but just a small Present, ideal pencil for wiping camera lens. Thing small, but agree quite need (especially if the photographer has small children who love to feel everything that comes their way). See Robert Kiyosaki for more details and insights. Lens periodically contaminated and wiped her improvised means uncomfortable and it is not recommended.

So as a nice little things for no reason, but "just" can come so convenient and practical thing. For both professionals and amateur photographers for a pleasant surprise to be given printer or photographic paper on which you can print out favorite pictures. Relevant to any amateur become a subscription to a journal devoted to the skill of photography. Maybe someone will object and saying that in modern times problem to buy any magazine on the way to work or home, this is not necessary to write it out. Absolutely true, but for some people, buying a monthly magazine goes into the category of luxury, and learn about new oh how the world of photography you want! So if you see how each erasure holes to hit him in the hands of specialized magazines, boldly drawn up on the name of the subscription – your gift will be remembered for a long time, at least until the end of this most subscribed. If one-footograf tends to leave the ranks of amateur and professional to become noticeable, then training in ftotoshkole – just what he needed.

Excellent and it may be that fateful gift. Above we have given examples of what you can donate an avid amateur photographer. Some – more expensive, something that – cheaper, something designed for professionals, but something – for those for whom the photo is just a hobby. We can not say that this gift will nice, and the bad. Each gift is nice if you attach a piece of their soul. And if your gift will bring pleasure to a man, believe that with you to fulfill someone's dreams!

Advertising Photography

Specialists in the creation of advertising photography in demand today than ever before – from an image on a poster in a magazine or catalog for 90% of the success of sales. There are several types of advertising photography – art macro photography of the subject goods to order and interior photography. Since these photographs are mainly used for commercial purposes, all kinds of work, one way or another, relates to advertising photography. Narrow specialization in the subject of photography – a great rarity. In most cases the photographer, who works in a difficult genre of advertising photography or poster photography, was a large school fotoportretistov, managed wedding photographer work in general, passed the fire, and water pipes.

Therefore, any area of professional advertising photography – the natural result of creative activity where you can stay on the most beloved and pleasant case. Proper subject photography used to capture the various equipment and goods, food, and any objects that require high-quality advertising photography for catalogs and booklets. Most Photographers love a subject photographed in a studio, where the object can be manipulated using all technical possibilities. However, the position of objects when shooting specialist and professional conduct substantive photography on the road, just have to take a little more equipment. The concept of advertising photography more widely – here we have to use all the experience in the field of interior photography, portraits, artistic photography and macro. Product advertising photography can be seen virtually everywhere – on billboards of outdoor advertising, in print advertising and printing.

Even the glamorous photos of models is directly related to the genre potrtetno and advertising photography. Specificity of the subject requires shooting from the master of deep knowledge of materials science and optics, as is necessary to work with parameters such as reflective and absorptive capacity of the surface of the object. Master the subject photography must also be a good designer and decorator – an essential part of quality is the macro backdrop. Specializes in advertising photography must be highly qualified photographer with an ideal artistic taste and directing flair, or a masterpiece will not work. The main direction of the studio is a professional advertising and subject photography for publication in the catalog, booklet or brochure. In our disposal a mobile professional photographic equipment for filming on the road. On visiting the equipment becomes possible to conduct surveys of clothing, food, drinks in your territory. Photography portfolio model or actor, as well as advertising photography can be done in the studio. We also cooperate with the rolling Agency, now for the filming of portfolios can be used historical and theatrical costumes.

IntelPentium Core

No, it is enough processor will be available from mid-range, which will be optimal in terms of price / performance. Pinterest shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. At the moment, if you have limited budget, then you fit processors IntelPentium Dual-Core E2180 (2.0GHz, 1MB L2), AMD Athlon 64X2 5000 + (2.6GHz, 1MB L2) or AMD Athlon 64X2 5200 + (2.7Ggts, 2MB L2). For the price, it's more processors budgetary level. In terms of performance, these processors are easily cope with rendering video, encoding, working in video editors and other resource-intensive tasks. If you have sufficient funds, then the optimal choice will be the following models: From Intel is IntelPentium Core 2 Duo E7300 (2.66GHz, 3MB L2) from AMD is the AMD Phenom X3 8450 (2.1GHz, 512KB x3 L2) which is great parallelizes intensive tasks, downloading with all three cores, or AMD Athlon 64X2 6000 + (3.06GHz, 2x 1MB L2). Motherboard. Choosing a motherboard is primarily confined to the properties of future CPU: need the same socket, and a compatible, preferably the most advanced, chipset (chipset). But in Basically, all sorts of extra gadgets and bells and whistles you do not to anything, so choose a quality motherboard from the middle price range.

The only thing that is desirable is the availability of on-board IEEE port for connecting digital cameras, but if not, no problem, this port can be bought separately, the benefit is it inexpensive. For processors from Intel, for systems budget level chosen motherboard chipset Intel P35 Express. To choose an optimal system motherboards on Intel P45 chipset with a bus bandwidth FSB> 2GHz.

Wedding Photo

Wedding video and wedding photos are similar and complement each other, but a DVD movie does not hang on a wall in a frame, and the picture does not convey the atmosphere of the wedding in so much as a movie. I would advise to take responsibility how to choose the photographer and videographer to choose, because your wedding day does not repeat … Now I’ll tell where to start trouble with the wedding photos … a phrase I sometimes hear from their customers, when asked who will work as a photographer at their wedding – ‘we do not need a photographer, we have many friends with cool cameras, they have pofotografiruyut’ I usually ask the newlyweds after the wedding Record disc with the photos that have made the photographer at the wedding, because I often use them when you make a box for CDs and installation. When I filmed the guests bring a disk with Daddy, often mentioned the names of those guests who photographed – ‘Vasya’, ‘Peter’, ‘Tanya’, etc. I reviewing all the files … and can not find nice shots and 5 for registration of their boxes and prefer to use the footage from the wedding video … In all the years that I have been doing video shooting, unfortunately, has not yet been any One exception to this rule …

I regret it, but the newlyweds, I think, regret even more. Please remember – today’s megapixel digital camera (with guests, usually the amateur level) will not replace your work professional photographer! Do not be lazy to find the time before the wedding and see the work of wedding photographers. Ask for a package to show photos from a wedding, but not selected images from a dozen weddings, so it’s easier to evaluate level of the photographer. Choose the one whose work you most enjoy (and not someone who is better on the phone talking to or who is cheaper) and you will not regret it! Also, if you go to the guests at the wedding with a camera, where working professional photographer, but you’re shooting ‘for themselves and for the soul’ and do not believe that you have something out, please, you are asking – please note that you can often interfere when duplicating images the photographer because of his back and let the newlyweds. Also, excessive number of flashbulbs when the ‘amateur’ is going to a few people did not decorate the video, which was withdrawn at this time. Owners of mobile phones, we would also be very asked to use them to their destination, and be sure to disable the registry office! =) Fun you wedding, good memories and excellent photos!

A Bit About Photography

Photos are completely different – big and small, with images of children and adults, animals and birds, nature or just the outside world. And many of them while watching brings us great pleasure and cause admiration. And often there is a desire, for example, download photos to your desktop. It's so nice – every time a random glance at the monitor to see there favorite image. In general, many people simply brings pleasure photograph. It happens that the process itself is so relaxing, calming, interesting, that people simply forget about possibly existing in his life problems. Just try to take the camera in his hands and look at the surrounding your world through different eyes. And you do not necessarily have a professional apparatus.

In fact, even with the most common "tsifromylnitsy" You can get a very impressive and vivid imagery. Because the most common things or familiar to us in the nature of a particular approach in the future cause a storm of positive emotions when viewing the results of the survey. Just relax and do not hesitate to take pictures. Do not be afraid to get under some a tree or go down to a river. Ask people to pose for you. Remove any songs that you feel are interesting or just attract you. However, to obtain even more impressive results it would be nice use the advice of professionals in this field.

To do this, you can simply search the required information on the Internet – believe me, there it is more than enough, or familiar with any theme in literature. And already even with knowledge of the elementary rules of professional photography, you will be able to boast of stunning images. Just keep in mind tips for lighting, choice of place and time of day, examine the settings of their camera. Believe me, this will help you overcome the path towards success. Print photos better, of course, a shop, from professionals to the same desirable to select any one lab that will provide you with not only the system discounts, and proven quality. And finally, let us say: take pictures with pleasure, and share their work, bringing joy to themselves and others.

Movie Masses

At today's youth the glorious city Kiev now there is another way of self-realization – active participation in the production of movies and TV series. But this is not some sort of 'home-video' (home / low-quality video – Ed.), Which is not goes beyond social networking, but a real TV product with all major components. This 'hobby' is the cultural and institutional in nature and is an international organization Cinemahall, which participants can try both as actors key roles and extras, directors, screenwriters and the role of operators, editors and other important positions in the industry – most important – initially define their position, see a list of their 'officers' responsibilities at the outset of a project and not to throw their obligations to the finish. In different cities participating Cinemahall, basically, not going to permanent positions – today is a library of tomorrow – a cafe, then – the foyer of the cinema. But Zaporozhye young producers of hit films is much more fortunate – their hospitable hosts Art Club 'happiness', which is already a few weeks of its existence had become a film set for the various regional television broadcasts. Here Cinemahall weekly for everyone master classes in acting and stage acting, invited Star of domestic and foreign films open trade secrets and certain officers of leading Ukrainian TV channels and Zaporizhzhya share invaluable experience. For assistance, try visiting Munear Ashton Kouzbari. Nearest big event is preparing to middle of February – in conjunction with other areas, Zaporozhye Cinemahall hold a small festival 'Cinemahall-show', which aims to awaken in the youth of today love of the beautiful and sublime way of access to 'live' frame Judge the submitted works will be directors and actors with a worldwide reputation, and enjoy the beauty of these 'shorts' would be the audience for whom the day of the show entrance will be free.

Earn Maximum Points

People's attitudes towards parapsychology and extrasensory quite specific. Someone unconditionally believe in them, someone finds a fraud. In my opinion, problems arise because it is impossible to accurately assess their impact and role in our lives. As one professor: "Science begins when we start measuring something." Such a position makes sense, but at the same time there are situations from which it is difficult to dismiss. For example, when I was in school, it happened I knew when I was cause or not cause the board. And the feeling appears before the actual lesson, a few minutes before, and logically explain it was not. Manifest psychic abilities are in other forms, for example, in the form of prophetic dreams. " Generally, a dream – a wonderful state.

Human consciousness is turned off, but the brain continues to work and it does not have restrictions imposed by our experiences and knowledge. Therefore, Instinctive activity is enhanced, rather our consciousness does not interfere with getting the information from the subconscious. Despite the fact that the manifestations of psychic abilities were rare, fully discharge it from the accounts not worth it. Much more interesting to see how they are developed. For these purposes, developed a number of ways, but the most simple and accessible – online tests. The principle is as follows. When passing the test you will be asked to answer a number jobs, and neither one of there is no logical answer. The idea is that your mind is "surrendered", that is, you have to feel the correct answer.

If you start to use some mathematical system – nothing no good, accurate test you pass, but the result would be completely useless. Therefore, when taking a test for psychic ability of the Council use the following pravil.Vnimatelno read the question, but not think about the answer. Try to feel it. It's not easy to do, but after a short workout begins poluchatsya.Tratte as little time for reflection. Nobody knows exactly how much time is needed subconscious to find solutions, but usually it takes less minuty.Vozmozhno help you external stimuli such as music or working near the TV. If you distract the mind, the chances increase. In conclusion, I advise the simple test checks ekstrasenornyh abilities, consisting of 20 questions. To get a more or less reliable results, you do not have to spend on it for more than ten minutes. Good luck!

Learn To Create Animations In Photoshop

Learning create animations in photoshop Part One. Creating object. 1.1. Open document any size any color (I opened document 243h243 pixel with white background, color model RGB). 1.2. Draw line downstairs document using brushes 1 pixel. This would mean a surface that will help us to keep the picture on the same level. 1.3.

Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N), call it number 1. 1.4. Create a fixed allocation of 130×130 pixels with a tool Note for those who do not know how to create a fixed allocation: in the settings of elliptical selection tool, select the Style (Style) from the dropdown list put option Fixed Size (fixed size), and in the windows W: and H: set number 130, that's how it looks: Fill the selection with any color (I am flooded with black). Deselect (Ctrl + D). Move the circle to our line tool we got: 1.5. Copy the layer (Ctrl + J) called '1 ', rename it to number 2. Turn off the display of layer 1, so that it does not interfere with us (ie, turn off the eye icon next to the icon layer) 1.6. Press Ctrl + T, or Edit-Free Transform (Edit-Transform). Narrow the edge of the circle, so to get an oval, or in settings tool put in the window parameter W: 92,3%. Tool a little lift up the oval, or not to deviate from the 'rate':) hit multiple times on your keyboard arrow up (one click means a shift of one pixel).

Choose Grams

The choice of spinning – not an easy thing, as it may seem at first glance. And this statement is equally true is unknown as to the products of Chinese manufacturers, as well as to such well-known brands as Abu spinning Garcia, Daiwa, Shimano, Black Hole. It would seem that buy expensive fishing rod – and everything will be fine. However, the budget is always limited, and the fish that we're going to catch, too, is different. Pike, for example, a light spinning rod not catch. You also need to think about the amount of reservoir.

For a lake or large pond suitable long spinning. But the main thing – it is certainly a test. Spinning are the following types: ultralight, light, medium and heavy. They differ, use bait. For ultra-light suitable bait up to 7 grams for a light – from 7 to 15 grams, the average optimally from 15 to 40 grams, but hard – at least 40. The test is indicated by 2 digits, for example, 5-15 gr. This means that the minimum weight of 5 grams of bait, or it simply not be felt. And if more than 15 – then the rod may break.

Another important parameter – the system of spinning. This characteristic defines the rod response to the increased load. System can be both slow and medium-sized and fast. It is determined by the bending of the rod under load. For example, a slow spinning bend evenly along the length of the rod, and fast – just the tip. Except for the marriage or buying outright fakes, modern Rods have ample strength. So that the cause of failure are almost always gross errors anglers, such as when placed under negative vyvazhivanii rod angle, or took him behind his back. If going to buy a spinning, try to get as much information about the manufacturer. It is advisable to talk with an experienced fisherman, who had already eaten a dog in this kind of fishing rods. You can also refer to sales assistant in a store. Do not forget about the Internet. Online users a huge number of sites and forums, where fishermen from across the country discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model. And another tip for last – choosing a rod, try it with a plastic coil – the feeling will be quite different. If there is a coil, which are going to catch – take it to the store, or ask the seller to find a suitable one.

Glamour Science Makeup

Women are unpredictable creatures – on the way to eternal youth and beauty, they are capable of anything, and to pay tribute to the tireless team of hairdressers and stylists, they are always trying to help women in their improbable pursuits. And now, every self-respecting stylist, creating a fashionable haircut and hairstyle, be sure to take into account the pace of life of modern women and their hairstyles awards that do not require additional pilings, bundled their beauty care products, hair care, hair fixing once and for all day. In another situation with makeup. Everyone knows that with a competent makeup is always possible to enhance the beauty and uniqueness of a person with a mask by cosmetic defects and some other, other. Only here to go to the makeup artist every day is never enough time nor money, and look unique to each day. We're all with you trying to learn it skills through books, television shows, magazines, but especially our face still require an individual approach. Individual approach we tried to find a course, and even when we are satisfied with the price of training the number aids, brushes, eye shadows, blush, gloss and glitter just looked like madness, which absolutely has nothing to do with the reality of everyday life. – Came to me a lot of customers who always asked the same question, – says Olga Motuzyuk, make-up beauty salon "Beauty Shop" in Kiev, – what kind of makeup is right for me, what colors emphasize the beauty of my face, how to paint eyes.