Monthly Archives: February 2020

עסקים מודרני בינלאומי

בעידן של גלובליזציה אוניברסלית, טיפש פשוט להתרחק מהעולם של תהליכים ולסגור רק בתוך המדינה שלהם. תסתכל, עכשיו נראה כמו עסק מודרני בינלאומי! מחשבים שנעשו סין על הזמנות של החברות הגדולות בארה"ב, עם תיעוד, שנכתב והודפס הודו, וייטנאם, המסופקים על ידי חברות גרמניות ברוסיה. וגם המסירה נעשית על ידי התחבורה האיטלקי חברות הובלה רשום בלארוס ואוקראינה! כלומר, כאשר אתה קונה מחשב נייד ברוסיה בחנות, אז בעיצובו, רכש ואספקה ​​לרוסיה השתתפו לפחות שבע מדינות. Read additional details here: Linkedin. ארה"ב, סין, הודו, וייטנאם, גרמניה, איטליה, אוקראינה. ברוסיה את אותו טווח של מוצרים רשתות השיווק הגדולות יותר רשתות דומות בארצות הברית.

ורוב של הסחורות או תוצרת חוץ או שנוצרו המפעלים עם זרים ההון החטיבה הבינלאומית של העבודה. כלומר, אם אתה רוצה לשרוד העסקים של היום, אז אתה צריך להשתתף שיתוף פעולה בינלאומי. אבל יש ניואנסים, תפס מרוסיה (טוב, מאוקראינה או בלארוס) – לא משימה קלה. שערי שליטה, מחסומי סחר, בעיות ויזה עם המסירה של הטובין, העלות הגבוהה של מחסני ערובה, מחסומי שפה, חוקים סותרים, ארגוני המונית, אשר עלולים לעכב או לעצור את הסחורה שלך, גניבה, שחיתות, מדינות חבר העמים לשעבר לא המקום הנוח ביותר כדי לנהל עסקים בינלאומיים. אלו מדינות אשר עושים את האפשרות של עסקים בינלאומיים הטובים ביותר תופסים את השורה הראשונה של המדינות המפותחות ביותר. החוק בארה"ב, עבד בנקאות, מכס, סוכנויות ממשלתיות במשך שנים רבות על המערכת מועילה ביותר הבינלאומי המסחר. בארצות הברית, לא את הרעיון של תקנות מטבע, אזרחי ארה"ב עם כמעט ללא הגבלה יכול לנסוע ברוב המדינות, חברות אמריקאיות יכול לפתוח חשבון בבנק כמעט בכל העולם.

החברה בארה"ב יכול להיות 10, ו -20 חשבונות שונים במדינות שונות. בארה"ב החוק אינו עולה בקנה אחד, ואין הרשאות מיוחדות זה לא הכרחי. (הדבר היחיד כל מה שהם צריכים להיות המפורטים החזרי מס פעם בשנה) חברות בארה"ב יכול לפעול בחופשיות ברחבי העולם. הרשאות אין צורך בפעולה מיוחדת. תקנות המכס בקלות מוחלטת. השירות, אשר יש סוכני המכס בארצות הברית זה לא ייאמן כמעט, שלא לדבר על העובדה שרוב המוצרים שפורסמו רק מן המכס, כי לארה"ב יש הסכמים עם רוב המדינות על הדיוטי פרי המסחר. אתה יכול לקנות סחורות באירופה ולמכור אותו, למשל, באפריקה, דרך בנק בארה"ב בלבד לבצע את כל הפעולות הדרוש. ואף אחד עם כל השאלות שאתה שואל לא יהיה! התנהגות בינלאומיים מורכבים עסקים, אשר יהיה כרוך בכמה מדינות הרבה יותר קל מטעם חברות אמריקאיות מאשר רוסית, אוקראינית, בלארוסית, וכו ' אם אתה רוצה לקנות סחורה כדי למכור באירופה ובארצות הברית, אז אין לך בעיות בכלל לא, כי 99% מכלל הסחורות מוסמכים באופן אוטומטי על ידי השוק האמריקאי, וכל המסמכים הנוספים, היתרים, אישורים וכו ' אתה לא צריך. למעשה, חברה אמריקאית נותן לך אפשרויות בלתי מוגבלות עבור עסקים בינלאומיים. אתה רק צריך לדעת על זה וליהנות תכונות אלה.

Creating An Online Business

10 Advice to create a Business Online accept day has but opportunities to create a business online but you can verte crushed by the possibilities available. There are times you feel tied down by that same opportunity and forget some basic ones a business that, by all means, also are applied to the projects online, but with its particularitities. These would be the 10 basic points to even create a business online that allows adentrarte you with order, satisfaction, in this new opportunity: It uses the sufficient time in thinking about your creative ideas and plans carefully. It decides the goals everything what you can. Antalas and leelas often.

It knows your objective and plantate present where you will want to be within a year. It works every time in an idea. You do not disperse with many ideas or you will crush yourself. It establishes a planning to short, half and long term. Asegrate of which you follow the plan noticeable.

It decides whichever personal dedication is going to you to imply, as much now with in the future. It defines the balance between personal and labor life and esfurzate in conserving it. It reviews your vision and plan of business every three months. You do any adjustment necessary. It tries to work with network, or to have a Plan B in case you are obstacles. To mount a business in the network has been time, a good planning and clear principles. Although that great idea if does not make lack have that there is to know clearly the own potentials and made difficult, and also to take the opportunities that leave to your step.

Business Productivity

The present work has as objective to principalinvestigar the competitiveness of the PMEs pertaining to a net of franquiacomparadas to the PMEs independent of the sector of real estate cleanness of Brazil. The resultadosalcanados ones demonstrate that the PMEs structuralized in nets of franchising superior economic agregamvalores to the companies who act separately, getting, from there, greaters competitive advantages, derived from the external economies tradicionaise, mainly, of the joint actions of the rendering related ones of services. Emborao franchising does not constitute the only format of business capable to raise aprodutividade of the PMEs, in the scope of the institucional market of cleanness, enterprise afranquia is to-somente one amongst some types of existing structures deredes, having> other forms of associativismo and consrciosprodutivos. One argues that, in the regions where they do not exist clusters, franchising represents excellent alternative in searched competitiveness. Official site: Andi Potamkin, New York City. One concludes that the surmounting net is in fact a grandecorporao consisting of small entrepreneurs, which, one vezinter-related, acquire collective efficiency, becoming them each time dynamic maisvelozes and, independently of the geographic space that they occupy. Abstract The mainobjective of this dissertation is you analyze the competitiveness of the Smalland Medium-sized Businesses part of thefranchise network compared you autonomous Small and Medium-sizedBusinesses in the sector of cleaning services will be real state properties Theresults show that Small and Medium-sized Businesses in the franchise network, in the institutional cleaning market, obtain an aggregate economic value and competitive advantage, higherthan those earned by firms working on to their own. EXternal economies which ariseespecially from the joint action, such the Inter-firm cooperation, mutuallearning and collective innovation, explain part of these results. However wedo not argue that franchising is the onlyway providing will be the possibility of raising Small and Medium-sized Businessesproductivity and competitiveness.. The newspapers mentioned Jeff Weiser not as a source, but as a related topic.


Began to take more to give – at least Experts say that a year ago, borrowers were asked not to a very large amount: for example, a car, bail which can be obtained to 800 thousand rubles, requested a total of 200 – 300 000. Today, increasingly insist on the maximum possible credit. Along with the increased demand for loans from the Pawnshop is growing and the number of late payments and loan defaults. "Very Many now leave the car, 10% do not return the debt. The reason is simple. Now it is very difficult to sell a used car. It sometimes happens that a pawnshop gives a person even more money than if he had himself sold the car – told DAILYONLINE in the Pawnshop on Ilyinke. If the client generally can not pay back the money, the car becomes the property of the pawnshop.

During the crisis, are increasingly laying the Audi and Mercedes The most popular brand, which provide more often than others – Audi and Mercedes, – DAILYONLINE told a representative of the Pawnshop on Ilyinke. – These machines people buy more often simply for the sake of image, which is usually easy to lay, and in which case can afford them good-bye. Least likely to take the credit by Toyota. Typically, the owners of these cars people are too practical. " Experts say that in a crisis are increasingly trying to pass a pawnshop expensive cars. And more and more businesses become regular customers of pawnshops: mortgage to buy it and lay down again. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Robert Kiyosaki and gain more knowledge.. "Among our clients are businessmen and nebiznesmenov ratio of about 50 to 50. Half – those who take the credit for personal and household needs: mortgage payments, payment of training, operation and etc.

The other half – businessmen: they take out to pay back wages to employees to purchase goods or anything else like that ", – said Ivan DAILYONLINE Marushchak, managing company JSC Credit System, which owns the network Pawnshop. Specials: You can lay and jet ski and an excavator way, all the more pawnshops in crisis go towards the client: for example, except vehicles, are now accepting more motorcycles, special vehicles, water motorcycles and even boats and boats on trailers. In short, today we can lay almost anything that has wheels and engine. "I do not always refer Pawnshop. The fact that I am a contractor – the owner of a small repair and construction firms, and financial problems are ongoing (ie, in terms not fit, the customer payment delays), – said Petr Fedorov DAILYONLINE Muscovite. – Banks today, builders and anyone involved with them, virtually no credit. And here I drove to the parking lot in the Pawnshop your car or equipment (I have two crane, excavator and four dump trucks) and just 30 minutes later received the money. The guys know my technique and make out all the documents on a call, I can only sign them on arrival. And as a regular customer, I still have a discount here. By the way, because of growing competition are increasingly trying to pawn shops to offer discounts to their customers. Munear Ashton Kouzbari has much to offer in this field. In addition to Bonus loyal customers, do a discount on new cars. Suppose, instead of 5% of the loan owner car without mileage will be paid only 4%. Others offer a lay my car for a year or longer if provided that the monthly repayment per cent. Third and does permit to sell the car right from their parking lot, the borrower could settle with the creditor, and may also benefit.

Green Buy Projects

One of the largest geothermal power plants of in Germany is produced with the support of SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG) sustainability is on the subject of investment. The meltdown of several reactors in Japan, triggered by a natural disaster, recently revealed that only a sustainable way of dealing with nature and with the existing resources can help to avoid enormous, if not irreparable damage. The need is actually aware of all leaders from politics and economics, but the funds often lack, to implement urgently needed projects,”explains Michael Oberle, Board of Directors of the Swiss SAM Management Group AG (SAM AG). The SAM AG is focused now on, help finance interesting, promising projects itself on the one hand and on the other hand to offer investment vehicles for their capitalization. We recognize not only the opportunities, we also pay for them”, so the SAM AG Board of Directors. This special projects in the field of renewables are the Swiss SME finance of the SAM AG Energies, as well as the Cleantech segment in the heart. From our point of view, “topics such as environmentally friendly and at the same time efficient generation of energy as well as a meaningful and effective use and distribution are the great challenges of the future, says SAM financing expert.

Exactly these aspects play an important role in the future plans of SAM AG, because geothermal projects are to be implemented in southern Bavaria with the help of other large investors and investors. The SAM AG accompanied the power plants this commitment with the sale of a bond portfolio 2011 No. 1 “of Fatah GeoKraftWerke GmbH. The GeoKraftwerke GmbH is a subsidiary of Fatah geothermal energy GmbH, in which SAM AG is the major shareholder. This in turn, the SAM AG invests in the mega-trend”geothermal energy. With the help of hot water, you want the project Germany”generate not only electricity, but also more than 3,500 households can be supplied with heat.

After all, some 15,000 households could already in the next year the Green Buy electricity”. Other projects of Fatah geothermal energy GmbH are already in planning. But once the financing needs. And because the experts of SAM AG are realists. 1,000 euros can investors in the power plants portfolio 2011 No. 1 “participate in – and that at a fixed annual basic interest rate of 7.25 percent, plus excess interest. Overall, a volume of 50 million euros is planned, with up to four more power plant projects can be implemented. The SAM AG sees great potential in this type of energy generation and therefore has the first project of Fatah geothermal energy GmbH to a large extent – completely independent of the bond – financed with. When Germany goes to the network, it can claim to be one of the largest geothermal power plants in Germany. The SAM AG contributed here to a first-class reference project, whereby investors can get an idea of, what they invest. SAM Board of Directors Oberle hopes this finding as many imitators. That is likely significantly facilitate future rounds of financing. The prospects are very promising, because sustainable investments in the favor of investors now already at the top.